For healthcare providers looking to elevate their practice, Skin Synthesis offers policies, procedures, and protocols intended to promote safety and compliance, optimize clinical excellence, and offer training/education to medical staff. With purchase, you can customize these forms for your brand and your practice.

All of Skin Synthesis’ policies, procedures, and protocols were written by practice owner Jennifer Hartley, an experienced ACNP with nearly 2 decades of experience in critical care, 6 years of experience in aesthetic medicine, and prior experience developing policies & procedures and protocols in multiple tertiary care centers. All were last updated in 2024.


What’s included: Purpose, scope, qualifications, patient assessment, pathophysiology, clinical indications, contraindications and precautions, pre-treatment, administration, procedure, documentation, patient education, side effects, adverse events, and follow-up as clinically appropriate.  

- Neurotoxin Policy & Procedure  

- Hyaluronic Acid Dermal Filler Policy & Procedure  

- Platelet Rich Plasma Policy & Procedure  

- Kybella Policy & Procedure  

- Microninfusion Policy & Procedure  

- Skinpen Microneedling Policy & Procedure  

- BBL Hero & MOXI Policy & Procedure  

- DiamondGlow Policy & Procedure  

- Chemical Peels Policy & Procedure  

- Pro-Nox Policy & Procedure  


What’s included: Prevention strategies, diagnosis & differential diagnoses, signs and symptoms, management, patient education, follow-up as clinically appropriate. References also included.  

- Vascular Event Protocol  

- Delayed Onset Nodules/Hypersensitivity Protocol  

- Herpes Simplex Protocol  

- Acquired blepharoptosis Protocol  

- Soft Tissue Infection Protocol  

- Bleeding/Hematoma Protocol  


Disclaimer: These forms and consents must be used in conjunction with applicable federal and state rules as they relate to the standard of care required to provide such medical and cosmetic treatment. Nothing in these documents or treatment protocols should be interpreted to supersede applicable federal or state rules. These documents are meant for guidance and information only – use of the forms should be in conjunction with advice from local legal counsel based upon your individual circumstances. Skin Synthesis assumes no liability from any use of these forms. Transfer or sale of these forms is strictly prohibited. All policies/procedures and protocols are copyrighted.