call: (206) 486-4784

There are a variety of causes of hair loss. The most common cause is adrogenetic alopecia (AGA), also known as pattern hair loss. For women, the part widens and thins. For men, the hairline resides or they develop a balding spot on the back of the head. Postpartum women can develop hair loss resulting in clumps of hair falling out in the shower. Those under significant stress can also lose their hair as well as thyroid imbalances, the list goes on and on.
Platelet rich plasma (PRP) can be injected into the scalp. Our platelets contain alpha granules, growth factors, and proteins which can stimulate hair growth by promoting the telogen shedding phase to anagen growing phase transition. PRP helps to decrease inflammation associated with hair loss and promotes the creation of new blood flow to nourish follicles. At Skin Synthesis, we recommend combining PRP Injections with Nutrafol hair growth supplements, which can be purchased or picked up in clinic.

Platelet rich plasma (PRP) can be injected into the scalp. Our platelets contain alpha granules, growth factors, and proteins which can stimulate hair growth by promoting the telogen shedding phase to anagen growing phase transition. PRP helps to decrease inflammation associated with hair loss and promotes the creation of new blood flow to nourish follicles.
We are eager to combat hair loss together with you. Schedule a consultation to be evaluated by our team.
How long does the procedure take?
From start to finish, your appointment will last 45 minutes. For hair restoration, we draw your blood, spin it in the centrifuge, and then draw up the liquid gold. Then you are ready for injection!
Is it painful?
For hair restoration injections – sadly these injections are painful. The scalp has lots of little nerve endings that making this treatment area particularly sensitive. We recommend utilizing Pro-Nox or laughing gas during your treatment to optimize your comfort.
How long is the recovery?
Your scalp will be sensitive/tender for about 24-48 hrs after the injections. You can take Tylenol. Some bruising can occur.
What results can I expect?
The goal is to increase the number and quality of hair follicles which will require a treatment series.
Do I need more than one treatment?
These treatments require a treatment series for optimal results. We recommend 3-4 treatments occurring monthly followed by maintenance treatments (biannual to annual dependent upon your response).
Am I a good candidate?
You may NOT be a candidate for PRP injections if any of the following apply: active infection or disease, especially if present on the area being treated; cut or broken skin; a hemorrhagic disorder or hematologic dysfunction; active cancer diagnosis. If you are >65 years in age, it’s possible you may have less robust platelets but this is not always the case (discuss this with your provider in consultation).